Regional Office, Kolkata,
Regional Office, Kolkata,

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Branch Office

S.No. Branch Name Place/Address Telephone No. / Fax No. VOIP No. Email Id
1 Zonal Training Institutes Zonal Training Institute-East zone EZ ESIC, Regional Office, Panchadeep Bhawan, 6th floor, Salt Lake, GB Block, Sector-3 Kolkata - 700 097, West Bengal 033-22259236 20033013
2 Darjeeling 1st Floor, DB Giri Road, Post- Darjeeling, District - Darjeeling, West Bengal - 734101 07980690217 - ict[hyphen]ez[dot]wb[at]esic[dot]nic[dot]in
3 Gangtok, Sikkim House of Shri Iswar Chandra Sharma, Deep Building, NH-10, Gairigaon, P.O.-Tadong, Pin-737102, Gangtok, Sikkim. 03592232424 50359202 bo[hyphen]gangtok[dot]wb[at]esic[dot]nic[dot]in
4 Durgapur ESIC Branch Office, Durgapur, ESI Hospital Complex, Bidhan Nagar, Durgapur-713206 W.B 0343-2533704 50343001 bo[hyphen]durgapur[dot]wb[at]esic[dot]nic[dot]in
5 Baidyabati 8, R.B. Avenue, Sarane Barane, Bhadreswar, Ward No.3, Baidyabati Hooghly 033-26335832 53213001 bo[hyphen]baidyabati[dot]wb[at]esic[dot]nic[dot]in
6 Bauria Purbachal Complex, 2nd Floor, Burikhali West, Dist - Howrah, Pin-711310 033-26917592 53216019 bo[hyphen]bauria[dot]wb[at]esic[dot]nic[dot]in
7 Bally 1248, MLB Road, PO PS Bally, First Floor, Dist Howrah 71120 033-26546669 53216007 bo[hyphen]bally[dot]wb[at]esic[dot]nic[dot]in
8 Chandanagore Palika Bazar , Market Complex , 2nd Floor Hooghly , Chandanagore, 712136 033-26831777 53213007 bo[hyphen]chandanagore[dot]wb[at]esic[dot]nic[dot]in
9 Tribeni Bhanga Ghat , Kalna Road , Tribeni , Hooghly 712503 033-26843030 53213019 bo[hyphen]tribeni[dot]wb[at]esic[dot]nic[dot]in
10 Howrah Maidan 24, Bellilious Road, Howrah Maidan– 711101 033-26668636 53216001 bo[hyphen]howrahmaidan[dot]wb[at]esic[dot]nic[dot]in
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आपको CPGRAM वेबसाइट पर निर्देशित किया जा रहा है। यदि आप पहले से पंजीकृत नहीं हैं, तो आपको CPGRAM पर पंजीकरण के लिए कहा जाएगा। पंजीकृत उपयोगकर्ता सीधे अपने CPGRAM यूजर आईडी और पासवर्ड का उपयोग करके लॉगिन कर सकते हैं।

  • 1. CPGRAM में लॉग इन करें
  • 2. "Grievance Detail"के तहत "Others/Not Listed/Not Known" का चयन करें
  • 3. "Ministry/Department" ड्रॉपडाउन में ESIC चयन करें
  • 4. "Subordinate Department/Office" में क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय का चयन करें
  • 5. शिकायत का विवरण दें .


You are being directed to CPGRAM website. You would be asked to Register with CPGRAM if not already registered. Registered users can login directly using their CPGRAM user ID and password.

  • 1. Login into CPGRAM
  • 2. In section "Grievance Detail" select "Others/Not Listed/Not Known"
  • 3. In the "Ministry/Department" Drop Down Select ESIC
  • 4. In "Subordinate Department/Office" select the Regional Office
  • 5. Provide details of the complaint
